How to reverse a linked list in less than 5 minutes
A simple solution to a frequently asked coding problem
The “reversing a linked list” problem has become quite popular, thanks to interviewers at various tech companies. It is a rather simple problem, but you’ll be surprised how many people get confused when trying to implement a solution for the same. Today, we will discuss the problem and implement a solution in Python, all in less than five minutes !
The Problem
Simply put, a linked list is nothing more than a collection of “nodes” or memory locations connected via pointers. The main difference between a linked list and array is that an array consumes a chunk of consecutive memory location while the nodes of a linked list can exist across non-consecutive memory locations and simply connected by a pointer to their location addresses. We can represent a linked list as follows
Consider a linked list 1->2->3, where 1 is the head of the linked list. When asked to reverse a linked list, we simply change the re-assign the pointer the location of the previous node instead of the next node. When we do this for all the nodes, it will look something like this 1<-2<-3, where 3 is the new head of the list. The logic for this would be as follows:
- Store the location/address of the next node in a variable (you don’t want to lose this address !)
- Set the next property of the node to point to the previous node.
- Set the previous node variable to point to current node.
- Set the current node variable to point to the next node.
- Repeat steps 1,2,3&4 until you’ve reached the end of the linked list.
Let’s take a look at the implementation in Python.
That’s it ! Hope this was helpful. Best of luck for that coding interview and stay tuned for more blogs like this one.